Friday, September 11, 2009

Beauty tip

Dr. Wu's

Facial Masks for Glowing SkinNow that summer is coming to a close, you might notice that all that fun you had outside in the sun and/or in the water has left your complexion dull and lifeless. Exposure to UV rays, salt water and chlorine can dry out your skin, producing rough, flaky patches and can aggravate rashes like eczema. Sunburns can peel off unevenly, leaving blotchy areas of lighter and darker skin. All of this wear-and-tear makes dead skin cells clump together instead of being sloughed off evenly. The result is dull, tired skin. Luckily, you can banish the end-of-summer beauty blues and bring back your skin’s natural glow with a facial mask.

* For dry skin, try Sephora brand Power Mask Hydrogel Face Mask. This is a single-use mask that you place over your skin in two pieces. It contains hyaluronic acid for intense hydration, and is perfect for an at-home treatment before a big event. (Just make sure you warn your roommate or boyfriend ahead of time, since you’ll look like an extra in a horror flick.)

* If you have oily skin and large pores, I suggest the Biore Self-Heating Mask. It contains kaolin clay to absorb oil and shine, and rinses off dead skin leaving your face clean, soft, and hydrated with no greasy residue.

* For sensitive skin, try Alba Hawaiian Papaya Enzyme Facial Mask. It contains natural enzymes to loosen dead skin without irritation, as well as aloe and panthenol (a B vitamin) to soothe inflamed skin (like from a recent sunburn or windburn).

* Fake an instant glow by lightly dusting a shimmer powder on the apples of your cheeks and temples. Don’t use too much, or you’ll end up looking shiny. Try Physician’s Formula Shimmer Strips.