Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Health tip

Helping moms-to-be and babies breathe easy:

Every time a pregnant woman lights a cigarette, she puts her baby's health at risk. Babies whose mothers smoke are more likely to be born too soon or to be too small. If you are pregnant and still smoking, you can get help quitting now.

Four keys to quitting for good

There is no one "right" way to quit smoking, but researchers say these four factors are key to quitting success:

1. Get counseling. Your doctor, a phone help line or even a self-help manual can offer good advice on quitting.

2. Set a date and make a plan. Tell family and friends about your quit date. Plan how you will cope with withdrawal symptoms.

3. Use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or other stop-smoking medicine. If you are pregnant, don't use NRT or any drugs without talking to your doctor.

4. Get support. Friends, family and especially other people who are trying to quit smoking can help you stay committed.